Portfolio Project
The purpose of this project was to demonstrate the knowledge and skills based on the learning objectives of the 1st-semester in MultiMedia Design.

For the portfolio site, I started by creating some wireframes, a style tile and a prototype in Adobe XD. For inspiration, I did some research on UI design trends that were popular in 2022, and chose to include the ones that I liked the most. The result was a design with pastel colors, visible grids, and graphic elements in the form of squares and triangular shapes.
My front page consists of a welcome message using a typewriter CSS animation.
My navigation bar was placed both at the top and in the footer for a better user experience. All of my pages were made responsive using CSS grid, Flexbox, and Media Queries.
For my About page, the top part has a short description of me plus a vector portrait that I bought because my own design skills don’t stretch that far yet and I really wanted this image to support the style of my page. Next, I made my CV in two parts using a CSS grid with some visible borders.
The portfolio section consists of five HTML pages on different subjects. On each HTML page, I am displaying the different assignments in containers that are shown and hidden using JavaScript. I did this to make the navigation easier and avoid lots of scrolling on the pages.
Tools & Competencies
UI design – Web development – Project Management – Content Creation – Design Documentation – HTML – CSS – JS